Tuesday, October 03, 2006

10 Reasons We'll Always Love Black

  1. It's slimming.
  2. It goes with everything (except orange).
  3. It doesn't show stains.
  4. It's chic.
  5. It makes it easy to get out the door in the morning.
  6. It's classic.
  7. It's urban.
  8. It's sophisticated even when it's cheap.
  9. It's easy to dress up.
  10. Did we mention it's slimming?

What do you think of Drew Beerymore in this picture? Doesn't she more look like a grown-up woman now?


ButterflyAngel said...

hahaha really?? well thanks i guess.. =)

wendy said...

one of my favorite colors!

Sarah said...

i love black when it's done in a chic sexy way. I recently did a post on little black dresses to that you commented on

poetic? said...

black=love♥. always will, always has!

Anonymous said...

She may look more grown up...but she still looks awfully ugly. ;)


indigomast said...

Always classy, drew does look rather sophisticated..

Carrie™ said...

I think Drew looks very grown up and sophisticated in this photo. I'm not too keen on the shoes though.

Anonymous said...

great blog!
drew looks fabulous.

Anonymous said...

Love Drew... But I love Black even more!

Cherry Popcorn said...

Hey.. thanks for dropping by! Nice blog you have here.. though i din know orange can't go with black! =( hehe.. anyway.. take care ya..

Anonymous said...

I've tried black with a dash of orange. It ain't so bad. c",)