Monday, October 23, 2006

Body Fax

Modern communication from your Body. How cool is that?

Credit: Jerry King


Ju Pengfei said...

Hi,Miss "the bodytalk",haha, I do't know how to call you,just use "Miss thebodytalk" to call you.
I saw your comment on my weblog. I'm sorry that I was error in your gender. haha,but I think you didn't mind that. Just I know why your BLOG is so beauty. yeah, you perhaps be a beauty woman like your BLOG. I'll be come here to visit your blog again.

add:I really like the clever faces!
bye,my friend!

Ju Pengfei said...

Does you know what's the Chinese called him that the star called Elvis Presley?
In China,we called Elvis Presley "猫王:,it sound like this:"maowang",it means "king of the cats",haha, Is it very laughably?
5:-),I know the number 5 is like his hair-style.
I know he is a rock star early than my favor The Beatles and he is really a famous man,but I haven't listen his anyone music. Opposite I enjoy the Beatles very much.The one in my blog's background-sound is beatles' "I'll be on my way".
haha,no brunk,I'll continue my work now.

Cherry Popcorn said...

Haha.. so true. Sometimes we just don't know wat's good or bad for our body!

Irene said...

I think I'm next in line to receive that fax. Bwahaha! :p
I linked your site to my page also! Woohoo!

abovo99 said...

Ju pengfei, it's ok about my gender. Now, you know I am not the man. Haha!

Princess shin, I agree with you.

Irene, Haha! it's funny! Are you sure you are next in line? Maybe I'll be infront of you to receive that fax. :-) Who knows?
Thanks for linking me.