Saturday, October 14, 2006

Clever Face vs. its Clue

Enjoy the faces!
  1. :-[ Vampire
  2. :-Q Smoker
  3. O:-) Angel
  4. Q:-) Graduate
  5. ~:o Baby
  6. C=:-) Chef
  7. d:-) Baseball player
  8. :-{) Mustached
  9. 5:-) Elvis Presley
  10. :-.) Cindy Crawford
  11. *<:O Clown
  12. :-B Bucktoothed
  13. =):-) Uncle Sam
  14. <:-( Dunce
If anyone has more clever faces and doesn't mind to share with us, please please drop a line in the comment box. And also which face you like the most? I would love to hear from all of you. Thanks.
For those of you who left comments that my blog got a side bar problem, I really appreciate your concern. The problem is I couldn't see what happed to my side bar because it looked fine on my computer. However, I updated the side bar and hope it looks fine, now. If you still see anything wrong, please just let me know. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

It's ok already. I viewed from both Internet Explorer and Firefox and both looks fine.

i like the cindy crawford one.

Ally. said...


i love cindy crawford and elvis! the moustached one is awesome too!

Ally. said...

8^) - nerd
:-K - a different vampire

ok, those are the only faces i can think of that arn't on there!

poetic? said...

ha! i love them!!!

poetic? said...


poetic? said...

ooops, sorry i commented so many times! =[

abovo99 said...

merapuman, Thanks so much.

misssixty, nerdy face looks pretty cool. Thank you.

pastellic wonder & hearts, it's ok. Thanks for your visit and comments.

Cherry Popcorn said...

Hey.. it's ok di.. =) Hehe..

oh yeah.. you have been tagged! =)

Marcia said...

I like the Monkey: :(|)

And if you use it in GChat, it's even better.